tokyu land corporation

Financial Highlights FY2023 First Quarter (First Three Months) Ended June-30, 2023






Progress of Medium-Term Management Plan

Summary of the FY2023 First Quarter (First Three Months) Ended June 30, 2023

Segment Overview

Urban Development

Strategic Investment

Property Management & Operation

Real Estate Agents

Partner co-creation initiatives

Sustainability and DX Initiatives

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Topics (Sustainability)

We would like to introduce some examples of our sustainability initiatives.

First, we would like to discuss Tokyu Land Corporation's efforts to complete the switchover to 100% renewable energy for the electricity used at its business sites and owned facilities,
which is a requirement for achieving RE100.
Taking advantage of the fact that we are a power generation company,
we achieved the early switchover to renewable energy power by combining various methods,
including the use of non-fossil certificates tracked by our own renewable energy power plants and the direct supply of renewable energy power from non-FIT power plants to our own facilities.
We will continue to apply for RE100 based on our track record of renewable energy use.

Next, we would like to talk about the MSCI ESG Rating of AA.
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corporation received an AA rating, which is second only to the highest rating of AAA,
in the MSCI ESG Ratings, which rates companies worldwide in terms of ESG initiatives and information disclosure.
We consider this to be a recognition of the ESG initiatives we have been focusing on,
as well as our strategies and business activities based on the Group policy of environmental management and DX.

Lastly, we would like to introduce a case in which we have become a partner of a local government in recognition of our decarbonization efforts.
Utilizing our expertise in renewable energy projects, we have been selected as a PPA to install solar power generation equipment in 53 elementary, middle, high, and special-needs schools in the city of Yokohama.
We will continue to support local governments in their efforts to decarbonize and create sustainable cities.