tokyu land corporation

Financial Highlights FY2022 First Quarter (First Three Months) Ended June-30, 2022






Summary of the FY2022 First Quarter (First Three Months) Ended June 30, 2022

Segment Overview

Urban Development

Strategic Investment

Property Management & Operation

Real Estate Agents

Sustainability and DX Initiatives

Financial Capital Strategy

Overview of the Medium-term management plan 2025

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Topics (Sustainability)

Now, I will talk about our sustainability initiatives.

First of all, Tokyu Land Corporation aims to achieve RE100 by 2022, ahead of schedule.
A detailed explanation is provided on p. 38.

Now, we will brief you on our being the very first general developer to be certified and registered under the J-Credit Scheme.
At Tokyu Resort Town Tateshina, Tokyu Land Corporation and Tokyu Resorts & Stay are promoting MORIGURASHI®, a cycle of sustainable regional circulation centered on forest resources. This cycle consists of protect, use and connect.
Under the J-Credit Scheme in which the Japanese government certifies CO2 reductions by corporations and other entities in the form of credits, we were recognized for conducting appropriate forest management activities as part of the MORIGURASHI® initiative. Consequently, we became the very first general developer to receive certification based on forest management activities from the J-Credit Scheme Authentication Committee.

Next, I would like to discuss our efforts to strengthen the initiatives geared towards the recycling-oriented society.
We will contribute to the realization of a recycling-oriented business cycle and sustainable local communities in a way that is unique to the Group with a view to achieving a circular economy by reducing procurement from nature through zero waste and resource recycling. Our approaches include NewMake Labo which aims to solve the social problem of mass consumption and mass disposal of clothing in Harajuku, the center of fashion, and our participation in UNIQLO’s recycling and reuse initiative by switching staff uniforms at Tokyu Sports Oasis to those made by UNIQLO.

Lastly, we will touch upon our receipt of the BELCA Award.
Abiko Village, which Tokyu Land Corporation developed in 1977 and which Tokyu Community has helped to manage and operate together with the facility’s residents since its completion, was granted the BELCA Award in the Long Life Category.
Adequate repair management resulting in an improved living environment and reduced utility costs was conducted using a structure that has satisfied anti-seismic properties under existing standards without reinforcement since the time the facility was developed and the latest technology to accommodate the changing times. The BELCA Award was granted to us in recognition of the contribution of this and our other efforts to the longer life of buildings.