tokyu land corporation

Financial Highlights FY2023 Second Quarter (First Six Months) Ended September 30, 2023







Progress of Medium-Term Management Plan and Initiatives to Enhance Corporate Value

Summary of the FY2023 Second Quarter (First Six Months) Ended September 30, 2023, and Earnings Forecasts

Segment Overview

Urban Development

Strategic Investment

Property Management & Operation

Real Estate Agents

Partner co-creation initiatives

Sustainability Initiatives

DX Initiatives

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Initiatives to enhance corporate value and market valuation

As you can see on the previous page, there continues to be a gap between our share price and BPS.

We will steadily promote the initiatives set forth in the medium-term management plan to improve earning power and efficiency, which is the theme of the medium-term management plan, and continue to achieve ROE that exceeds the cost of shareholders' equity,

In addition, we will work on our Group-wide policies of Environmental Management and DX set forth in our long-term management policy, promote intellectual asset utilization and partner co-creation, which are our business policies, and achieve sustainable growth over the medium to long term.

To realize these policies, we intend to strengthen our management foundation, including financial capital strategies, human capital and organizational climate, governance, and building relationships with shareholders.

Through the above efforts, we will strive to be properly evaluated in the capital market.