tokyu land corporation

Financial Highlights FY2023 Second Quarter (First Six Months) Ended September 30, 2023







Progress of Medium-Term Management Plan and Initiatives to Enhance Corporate Value

Summary of the FY2023 Second Quarter (First Six Months) Ended September 30, 2023, and Earnings Forecasts

Segment Overview

Urban Development

Strategic Investment

Property Management & Operation

Real Estate Agents

Partner co-creation initiatives

Sustainability Initiatives

DX Initiatives

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Progress of Medium-Term Management Plan  (Financial Targets)

Regarding the revised forecast for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, although the uncertain business environment will continue, operating profit and profit attributable to owners of the parent company are expected to exceed the initial forecast due to the continuation of a strong real estate trading market and recovery in the hotel business.

ROE has improved to 7.3% in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023, and will improve further to 8.9% in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, approaching the target level of the medium-term management plan in all indicators.

Since the time the medium-term management plan was formulated, performance figures have been better than expected, mainly due to the strong real estate trading market and a fast-paced recovery in inbound demand.
Although there are some business environments to watch closely, such as interest rate trends, we aim to achieve the target indicators for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, one year ahead of the target for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2026.