tokyu land corporation

Financial Highlights FY2022 First Quarter (First Three Months) Ended June-30, 2022






Summary of the FY2022 First Quarter (First Three Months) Ended June 30, 2022

Segment Overview

Urban Development

Strategic Investment

Property Management & Operation

Real Estate Agents

Sustainability and DX Initiatives

Financial Capital Strategy

Overview of the Medium-term management plan 2025

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Value creation based on the DX

Next, on value creation through DX.

We will push forward our initiatives on the three steps – the Business process, CX, or customer experience, and Innovation as we maximize the value of our assets and human capital using DX to establish a new revenue model.

For our asset-utilizing businesses we will focus on improving the value of our assets and areas and “improve the centripetal force of cities by making them smart;” for our businesses that leverage human capital we will concentrate on improving the value of our services by “Creating advanced service models.” In these ways, we endeavor to create experiential value for our customers in all types of situations.