tokyu land corporation

Financial Highlights FY2022 First Quarter (First Three Months) Ended June-30, 2022






Summary of the FY2022 First Quarter (First Three Months) Ended June 30, 2022

Segment Overview

Urban Development

Strategic Investment

Property Management & Operation

Real Estate Agents

Sustainability and DX Initiatives

Financial Capital Strategy

Overview of the Medium-term management plan 2025

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Outline of the business plan

We offer an outline of our plan.

We have broadly categorized the businesses under our Group in two areas. The asset-utilizing business that you see on left promotes “efficient investing of funds and improved efficiency through co-creation and other such developments” while human capital-utilizing business which you see on right promotes “a departure from improved productivity through a departure from labor-intensive methods and the effective use of intellectual assets.” By linking the Group’s services through DX we will establish new revenue models and expand business opportunities viewing the environment as our starting point. We will link that to “the creation of unique value through environmental management and DX.”
We will link that to “the creation of unique value through environmental management and DX.”