
First-quarter results showed a year-on-year increase in both revenues and profit, with operating profit of 34.5 billion yen and net profit attributable to owners of the parent of 25.3 billion yen.
The main reasons for the increase were strong performance in asset sales and brokerage sales, and recovery in the hotel business due to domestic and inbound demand.
Operating profit is on track to reach 30.8% of the full-year forecast.
As for non-financial topics, in order to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, we have formulated a "Transition Plan to a Decarbonized Society" in line with TCFD recommendations, the first in the real estate industry in Japan.
In addition, the 50% reduction of our own CO2 emissions that we had set as a target for FY2023 was achieved in FY2022, one year ahead of schedule.
We received an "AA" rating in the "MSCI ESG Rating," which rates companies in terms of their ESG initiatives and information disclosure.
We consider this to be the result of the evaluation of our strategies and business activities under the company-wide policy of ESG initiatives, environmental management, and DX.
Lastly, we would like to discuss our selection as a "Digital Transformation Issues 2023”.
The award was given in recognition of DX strategies integrated with management strategies, organizations and systems to realize these strategies, and examples of deepening existing business models and creating new business models by utilizing DX,
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange recognized the company as one of the "Digital Transformation Issues 2023.