This is the status of our Logistics business.
As of December 31, 2022, we are engaged in a total of 19 projects: 4 properties in operation and 15 properties under development. Our investment balance is 67.9 billion yen and the total floor space of all properties following completion will be 1,358,000 m2.
On the bottom right, there is information about LOGI’Q Minami Ibaraki, the Company’s flagship project with a floor space of 162,000m2.
In terms of “softer” qualities, the building will also contribute to securing tenants’ employment and reducing their initial investment, including the creation of future-ready refrigerated/freezer compartments and low-floor compartments to match tenants’ needs, as well as the provision of high-quality common areas and “Worker’s Garden,” a website that includes a variety of content to enhance “work, learning, and fun,” such as information on special benefits for facilities related to the Group.