tokyu land corporation

Financial Highlights FY2022 First Quarter (First Three Months) Ended June-30, 2022






Summary of the FY2022 First Quarter (First Three Months) Ended June 30, 2022

Segment Overview

Urban Development

Strategic Investment

Property Management & Operation

Real Estate Agents

Sustainability and DX Initiatives

Financial Capital Strategy

Overview of the Medium-term management plan 2025

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Formulation of bond policy

In September 2021, we formulated our WE ARE GREEN Bond Policy, the long-term issuance policy for our first domestic ESG bonds.
Through this policy, we indicate our intention to elevate the ratio of ESG bonds to our bond balance over the long term.
In addition to eliciting understanding of the Group’s initiatives geared towards ESG through the ongoing issuance of ESG bonds, we will strive to realize a sustainable society and growth together with our bond investors and all of our other stakeholders.

Our ESG bond ratio, which was 5.0% as of March 31, 2020, was 18.0% as of March 31, 2022.
We aim to elevate that ratio to 50.0% or more by the end of FY2025 and to 70.0% or more by the end of FY2030.