
Let me conclude this presentation by explaining the status of our initiatives in the overseas operations.
As explained earlier, we will start to deliver condominiums in Indonesia in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019.
We have been working to expand our operations in Indonesia since 1975 and have supplied about 4,500 detached houses in the country so far. We are currently planning to supply condominiums in Indonesia under the same BRANZ brand as in Japan. We will deliver successively condominiums through the two projects stated at the left, BRANZ BSD and BRANZ Simatupang, from the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019.
Additionally, we are planning to supply condominiums through the Puri Botanical project and the Mega Kuningan project outside the period covered by the Medium-Term Management Plan.
Further, the construction of 425 Park Avenue, our first full-block development project in Manhattan, New York, in almost 50 years, is in progress in North America with completion scheduled for fiscal year 2019.
This concludes my presentation.
I encourage you to take a look at references that appear beginning Page 34.