
This map of the Greater Shibuya Area shows the commercial facilities and office properties in which the Group is involved.
As shown, for fiscal year 2019, Dogenzaka 1-chome Shibuya-station Front District Urban Redevelopment Project and Nampeidai Project (tentative name) described on the lower left will be opened.
Leasing of the area for offices under the Dogenzaka 1-chome Shibuya-station Front District Urban Redevelopment Project is completed. For leasing of the area for commercial facilities, we have received many inquiries from tenants since the announcement in March about the opening of Tokyu Plaza Shibuya. For leasing of the "Nampeidai Project (tentative name)," the contract was executed for about 90% of the spaces.
In addition, the five properties under joint investment business with Norges Bank, whose asset management the Group undertakes upon investment as minority owner in December, are shown in light blue as properties whose asset management the Group undertakes. Of those five properties, three are located around Meijijingumae Station and two are on the east side of Omotesando Station.