tokyu land corporation

Financial Highlights
FY2017 Ended Mar-31, 2018





FY2017 Financial Highlights

FY2017 Operating Results

FY2017 Segment performance

Summary of balance sheets

Market value appraisal for leased properties

Summary of Cash Flows

FY2018 Forecast (Operating Results)

FY2018 Forecast (Segment performance)

Trends in equity and interest-bearing debt

Return to Shareholders

ESG management

Segment Performance


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Trends in equity and interest-bearing debt

Change in equity capital and interest-bearing debt are explained.

For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018, interest-bearing debt increased ¥72.5 billion to ¥1,210.4 billion due to new investments, etc. However, the increased equity caused the debt equity ratio to remain the same as in the previous fiscal year, 2.6 times.

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019, mainly due to investments in large projects, such as the Shibuya redevelopment projects currently underway and new investments, interest-bearing debt will increase from ¥144.6 billion year on year to ¥1,355.0 billion and both the debt equity ratio and the EBITDA ratio will increase. However, they are expected to decrease with the start of operations of large projects, among others, toward the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021, which is the final fiscal year under the medium-term management plan.