tokyu land corporation

Financial Highlights
FY2013 Ended Mar-31, 2014





FY2013 Financial Highlights

FY2013 Operating Results

FY2013 Segment performance

Summary of balance sheets

Summary of the Medium-term Management Plan, Value Innovation 2013

Status of the Establishment of a Holding Company System

Change of Segment Categories(1)

Change of Segment Categories(2)

FY2014 Forecast (Operating Results)

FY2014 Forecast (Segment performance)

Segments performance

Leasing of Real Estate/Urban Development

Real Estate Sales/Residential

Property Management

Real Estate Agents

Wellness/Tokyu Hands/Business Innovation and Others FY2014 Forecast

Changes in Equity and Interest-bearing Debt

Changes in Dividend Payments


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(2)Vacancy Rate and Rent

Next, I would like to talk about vacancy rates. Our overall vacancy rate was 1.8% at the end of March, remaining at a low level.
The vacancy rate of the Company shows actual occupancy.
The average rent of the Company's offices was ¥22,190 per tsubo per month.