
We would like to share with you some examples of our efforts regarding sustainability.
First, in November 2023, we published a report on environmental management, which is positioned as the Group-wide policy.
The report describes our initiatives with a focus on a decarbonized society, a recycling-oriented society, and biodiversity.
For the details, please refer to the Environmental Management Report 2023 on our website.
In addition, we are the first real estate company in Japan to formulate a transition plan to a decarbonized society in line with TCFD recommendations, and in August 2023, we published the "TNFD Report" to further promote our contribution to nature positivity in light of domestic and overseas trends where the importance of biodiversity conservation is increasing. The report discloses the results of a study of the Group's nature-related risks and opportunities, as well as the Group's efforts to date regarding natural capital.
Next, I would like to talk about the MSCI ESG Rating of "AA.
Tokyu Fudosan HoldingsCorporation received an "AA" rating, which is second only to the highest rating of "AAA", in the MSCI ESG Ratings, which rates companies worldwide in terms of their ESG initiatives and information disclosure.
We consider this to be a recognition of the ESG initiatives we have been focusing on, as well as our strategies and business activities based on the Group-wide policy of environmental management and DX.
Lastly, We would like to discuss Tokyu Land Corporation's completion of the switchover to renewable energy sources for 100% of the electricity used at its business sites and owned facilities, which is a requirement for achieving RE100.
Taking advantage of the fact that we are a power generation company, we have achieved an early switchover to renewable energy power by combining various methods, including the use of non-fossil certificates tracked by our own renewable energy power plants and the direct supply of renewable energy power from non-FIT power plants to our own facilities.
We will continue to apply for RE100 based on our track record of renewable energy use.