tokyu land corporation

Financial Highlights
FY2019 Second Quarter (First Six Months)
Ended September 30, 2019






FY2019 Q2 Financial Highlights

FY2019 Q2 (First Six Months) Operating Results

FY2019 Q2 (First Six Months) Segment performance

Summary of balance sheets

Summary of Cash Flows

FY2019 Earnings Forecasts

FY2019 Forecast (Segment performance)

Trends in equity and interest-bearing debt

Return to Shareholders

ESG management

Urban Development


Property Management

Real Estate Agents


Tokyu Hands

Innovation Business

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(1) FY2019 Q2(First Six Months)

I will explain the Innovation Business segment, which consists of overseas operations.

In the second quarter of the fiscal year ending March 31, 2020, both revenue and profit decreased due to the transfer of the detached house renovation business to the Property Management segment and a decline in property sales overseas, which offset the continued posting of sales of condominiums in Indonesia.

With respect to forecasts for the fiscal year ending Mach 31, 2020, the segment projects a decrease in both revenue and profit for the same reason.