
Our Group policy on environmental management is based on 2 main pillars.
We are committed to "reducing the environmental impact of all our businesses, including the spread of green energy" and "creating comfortable communities and lifestyles that contribute to the environment" in order to realize a decarbonized and recycling-oriented society.
As for our goals regarding climate change, as shown in the figure in the center, we will achieve a contribution to carbon minus by 2025 for our own CO2 emissions.
Carbon minus is our own goal, which we aim to achieve in FY2025 for the entire Group by having the amount of CO2 emissions reduced by our renewable energy business, one of the Group's strengths, exceed our own CO2 emissions.
Please refer to the Appendix, page 40, for an explanation.
With regard to CO2, including Scope 3 in the supply chain, we have obtained certification for SBT 1.5 degrees Celsius, a reduction target based on scientific evidence, and will achieve it by 2030. We aim to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
We recognize that the 1.5°C target to limit climate change to 1.5 degrees Celsius by FY2100 is a high hurdle to overcome, as it is considered an effort target in the Paris Agreement, but we will work on it with strong determination. By advocating environmental management, we hope to lead the industry in environmental initiatives.