
Let me explain the Group’s sustainable management.
When the holding company was established in 2013, the Group has been working to achieve sustainable growth with society.
The Company’s initiatives have been acclaimed in external evaluation. It has been selected as a constituent of all ESG indices adopted by the GPIF*. It has also been selected as a constituent of other major ESG indices, including the Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
*Government Pension Investment Fund
In the environmental (E) initiatives, the Company supported the recommendations of the TCFD** in March 2019 and has joined RE100.
**Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
In the social (S) aspect, the Company was selected as a Health & Productivity Stock for the first time by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Tokyo Stock Exchange in March 2020.
In principle, one company is selected as a Health & Productivity Stock in an industry. We were recognized as a company that manages the health of employees strategically from a management perspective.
The entire Group will continue to take steps to achieve sustainable growth.