Financial Highlights
FY2018 Ended Mar-31, 2019
Progress of Medium-Term Management Plan 2017-2020 (1)
Progress of Medium-Term Management Plan 2017-2020 (2)
Basic Policy for Increasing Shareholder Value and Corporate Value①
Basic Policy for Increasing Shareholder Value and Corporate Value②
Basic Policy for Increasing Shareholder Value and Corporate Value③
Overview of Results of the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2019 and Forecast for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2020
FY2018 Financial Highlights
FY2018 Operating Results
FY2018 Segment performance
Summary of balance sheets
Market value appraisal for leased properties
Summary of Cash Flows
FY2019 Earnings Forecasts
FY2019 Forecast (Segment performance)
Trends in equity and interest-bearing debt
Return to Shareholders
ESG management
Urban Development
Property Management
Real Estate Agents
Tokyu Hands
Innovation Business