tokyu land corporation

Financial Highlights
FY2016 Second Quarter (First Six Months)
Ended September 30, 2016





FY2016 Q2 Financial Highlights

FY2016 Q2 (First Six Months) Operating Results

FY2016 Q2 (First Six Months) Segment performance

Summary of balance sheets

FY2016 Forecast (Operating Results)

FY2016 Forecast (Segment performance)

Urban Development


Property Management

Real Estate Agents


Tokyu Hands

Innovation Business

Changes in Equity and Interest-bearing Debt

Return to Shareholders


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Return to Shareholders

Finally, I will outline our shareholder returns.

With regard to our dividend policy in the current medium-term management plan, which is in the growth phase, we will maintain a consistent dividend policy, targeting a dividend ratio of 25% or more.

In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017, we expect annual dividends to increase for the fourth consecutive year, to ¥13 per share, under the dividend policy in the current medium-term management plan.

This concludes my presentation.
The reference material at the end of the document includes trends in total floor areas and AUM and other information for you to look at later.