
I would now like to explain the performance indicators in the real estate sales agent business.
In the first six months of the fiscal year ending March 2016, the number of transactions and the average transaction price rose, and the amount of transactions increased 17% year on year in retail sales.
Services such as the Anshin Mediation Guarantee remained strong, and we continued to enhance our services by, for example, launching Premium Support for Condominium Sales as a new service and opening seven new stores. We plan to open 11 new stores during fiscal year 2015.
In wholesale sales, increased numbers of transactions and contracts for large properties resulted in a significant rise in the average handling price from ¥351 million a year earlier to ¥550 million, and the amount of transactions in retail and wholesale sales increased by 39% year on year.
As presented in the plan for the fiscal year ending March 2016, shown in the table on the bottom right, we expect that the number of transactions and the average handling price will increase in both retail sales and wholesale sales, and the amount of transactions will rise 24% year on year.