Company Information


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors functions as a supreme decision-making body, second to the General Meeting of Shareholders. It meets once a month, in principle, and extraordinary meetings are held as necessary. Based on regulations including the Board of Directors Regulations and the Duty Authority Regulations, the Board of Directors makes decisions on important matters related to the Group’s management, such as management policies, business plans, and large-scale investment plans, in addition to matters stipulated in laws, regulations, and the Articles of Incorporation.
Authority for the execution of business relating to matters other than those to be discussed by the Board of Directors is delegated to the Group Executive Committee and other subordinate meeting bodies, as well as relevant officers and other responsible persons. The Board of Directors also supervises the performance of these duties.

Composition, etc. of the Board of Directors

Maximum Number of Directors Stipulated in Articles of Incorporation 15
Term of Office Stipulated in Articles of Incorporation 1 year
Number of Directors 12
Among Directors, Number of Outside Directors (Independent Officers) / Component ratio 5 persons (5 persons) / 42%
Among Directors, Number of Female Directors / Component ratio 2 persons / 17%
Frequency of Board of Directors Meetings Once a month in principle
Board of Directors Meeting Average Attendance 100%(based on attendance during fiscal year ended March 31, 2024)

Main topics discussed by the Board of Directors

Fiscal 2023

  • Progress of the Medium-Term Management Plan and portfolio management
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors
  • Update of Corporate Governance Reports
  • Verification of the rationality of cross-shareholdings
  • Audit reports from the Internal Audit Department
  • IR activities reports
  • Key risk indicators (KRI) monitoring reports
  • Economic and business environment outlook
  • Financial market trends and the financing environment around the Company
  • Activities reports from the Risk Management Committee, Sustainability Committee, and Information Security Committee
  • Monitoring of the progress made on previous resolutions of the Board of Directors

Skills matrix

Under its long-term management policy and Medium-Term Management Plan, the Company aims to realize its ideal vision of“Create value for the future,” and build a solid and distinctive business portfolio. The Company is working on generatingunique values, with “Environmental management” and “Digital transformation” as its company-wide policies. The Company has adopted a system of a company with Audit & Supervisory Board, and the Board of Directors of theCompany is required of the effectiveness as a supervisory body, as well as playing a role of a decision-making body regarding important execution of duties. The Company, therefore, believes that the Board of Directors should be comprised of members with skills needed to promote its long-term management policy and Medium-Term Management Plan, while paying attentions to diversity. The Company lists the following specific seven items as favorable skills to be possessed in the Board of Directors as a whole: “Corporate management,” “Environment/sustainability,” “Accounting/finance,” “Legal affairs/compliance/risk management,” “Global,” “Personnel/labor,” and “digital transformation (DX).” Those skills are taken into account in the course of the candidate selection by the Company.

You can scroll this table sideways

Director Expertise and experience
Name Inside / Outside Sex Corporate management Environment / sustaina-bility Accounting / finance Legal affairs / compliance / risk management Global Personnel / labor DX
Kiyoshi Kanazashi

Kiyoshi Kanazashi

Inside Male          
Hironori Nishikawa

Hironori Nishikawa

Inside Male    
Shohei Kimura

Shohei Kimura

Inside Male    
Yoichi Ota

Yoichi Ota

Inside Male          
Hiroaki Hoshino

Hiroaki Hoshino

Inside Male    
Shinichiro Usugi

Shinichiro Usugi

Inside Male        
Hirofumi Nomoto

Hirofumi Nomoto

Inside Male        
Makoto Kaiami

Makoto Kaiami

Satoshi Miura

Satoshi Miura

Tsuguhiko Hoshino

Tsuguhiko Hoshino

Yumiko Jozuka

Yumiko Jozuka

Akiko Uno

Akiko Uno


Evaluating effectiveness of the Board of Directors

In order to ensure the soundness and transparency of management, the Board of Directors of the Company is working on continuous improvements by evaluating its effectiveness every year based on the opinions, etc. of individual Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and sharing matters required to further improve effectiveness at Board of Directors meetings. In fiscal 2023, we conducted interviews as well as a questionnaire to facilitate a more in-depth exploration of opinions, and together with utilizing an external consultant to design and compile an objective questionnaire and interviews, received evaluation from a third-party attorney-at-law who has no advisory connections to the Company.
One example of how effectiveness has been raised is from the fiscal 2022 evaluation, in which there were opinions from the Board of Directors that they expected advance distribution of materials for Board of Directors meetings, etc., as well as regular reporting on management strategies. Consequently, we devised operational measures that would stimulate discussions through the early distribution of materials for Board of Directors meetings, etc., and also reported at Board of Directors meetings concerning the DX-related field and human resources strategy. In addition, based on the opinion that it is necessary to more proactively communicate the Group’s initiatives regarding non-financial information to enhance stakeholder understanding, we strengthened information dissemination through the Integrated Report, Environmental Management Report, DX Report, Sustainability website, and other means. Based on these efforts, the fiscal 2023 evaluation reconfirmed that the effectiveness of the Board of Directors continued to be ensured.

Effectiveness evaluation cycle

Nomination and Compensation Committee composition

The Nomination and Compensation Committee was established as an advisory body to the Board of Directors to increase the fairness and transparency of procedures for matters related to the nomination of director candidates and operating officers and matters relating to their compensation, among others. Internal rules stipulate that over half of the committee should be independent outside directors and that an independent outside director serves as chair.
The Board of Directors consults this committee concerning the matters above before passing resolutions on them.
The committee met four times in fiscal 2023 and attendance was 100%. The composition in fiscal 2024 is as follows.

Chair Makoto Kaiami (Independent Outside Director)
Member Satoshi Miura (Independent Outside Director)
Member Tsuguhiko Hoshino (Independent Outside Director)
Member Kiyoshi Kanazashi (Chairman)
Member Hironori Nishikawa (President & CEO)

Specific matters considered by the Nomination and Compensation Committee


  • Individual evaluation of performance-basedremuneration (bonus) for Executive Directorsand Operating Officers for fiscal 2022
  • Remuneration for Outside officers
  • Election of Representative Directors, Directors with Special Titles, and lead Independent Outside Directors
  • Election of Chair and Members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee
  • Transfer of Representative Director at a subsidiary company (change of President)
  • Structure of Directors, Operating Officers, and Audit & Supervisory Board Members in fiscal 2024

As of January 2025