Company Information


Corporate Governance

Basic Views on Corporate Governance

Basic Views

In order to fulfill our responsibility to our stakeholders, including customers, employees, business partners, local communities, shareholders, and investors, as well as our responsibility to future society, we strive to ensure our sustainable growth and increase corporate value over the medium and long term by addressing social issues through our business.
To that end, we will work to ensure the soundness and transparency of management and build a corporate governance system that contributes to expediting decision making.

Corporate Governance Code Compliance Status

The Company has implemented all the principles of the Corporate Governance Code. For details, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report.

Corporate Governance Guidelines

The purpose of these Guidelines is to serve as guidelines for realization of an optimum corporate governance system, based on society and global management environment, by the Company and its Group.

Timeline of the strengthening of corporate governance

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As of June 2024