Corporate Information
When was the company established?
The Group's holding company was estabilished in 2013, but our roots extend to 1922.
What is your securities code?
It is "3289."
On which stock exchange are you listed?
We are listed on the first section of Tokyo Stock Exchange.
What is your vision for the future?
Please see our GROUP VISION 2030.
Please provide more information on “WE ARE GREEN.”
Please see our GROUP VISION 2030.
Please provide an outline of your business.
Please see our Business Overview.
How do I obtain the latest Integrated Report?
Please see our Integrated Reports. We prepared Online Edition besides PDF.
I would like to know about your affiliates.
Please see Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group Companies
What are your initiatives on corporate governance?
Please see Corporate Governance.
Please provide information on your social contribution activities and environmentally oriented initiatives.
Please see our sustainability and Group Initiatives.
About stock
Who is your shareholder registry administrator?
It is the Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank Limited.
Website:https://www.smtb.jp/tools/english/ -
When do you hold the General Meeting of Shareholders?
For details, please see our IR Calendar.
I would like to know about dividends.
Please see Return to Shareholders (Dividends, etc.)
I would like to know about the distribution of shares.
Please see Shareholder Composition
Can voting rights be exercised via the Internet?
Voting rights can be exercised via the Internet. The procedure is described in the “NOTICE OF THE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS” delivered to all shareholders.
Financial Results and Financial Matters
What accounting standard does the company use?
We use Japanese GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles).
What is your schedule for closing your accounts?
Please see our IR Calendar.
Where can I obtain the latest materials on your financial results?
Please see the Latest Materials in our IR Documents.
Past materials are also available in our IR Documents. -
How can I check the trends of your financial results?
For our main financial results, please see Financial Highlights and Management Indices.
For details, please see the materials that are available in our IR Documents. -
Is your annual report available?
Please see our Annual Report in our IR Documents.