Investor Relations


Analyst Coverage

(As of October 31, 2024)

Company Analyst
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd. Toshiyuki Anegawa
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. Daisuke Fukushima
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. Yoshihiro Hashimoto
BofA Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Takumi Kasai
Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd. Mamoru Masumiya
Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc. Masashi Miki
CLSA Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Masahiro Mochizuki
Marusan Securities Co., Ltd. Hikaru Ogino
Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd. Sachiko Okada
SBI SECURITIES Co.,Ltd. Koki Ozawa
Tachibana Securities Co., Ltd. Hisayuki Shimokawa
UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Kazufumi Takeuchi
SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. Junichi Tazawa
JP Morgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Keishi Ueda

The names are listed in order of the alphabet. Honorific titles have been omitted.

This list is based on information available to the Company at the time of publishing. As such, there is likelihood that analysts covering the Company are not listed here, or that all information listed here may not be the most updated. We seek your kind understanding on this.

Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding the Company's performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of the Company, and neither the Company nor the management are involved in any of the above processes.
The Company does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.
The final investing decision is based on the investor's personal judgment and responsibility.