Related Glossary
*This list is in alphabetical order
API integration | Linking applications with one another by using an application programming interface (API) that contains interface specifications for the reciprocal use of software. |
BEMS | Building and Energy Management System: A building management system to optimize the indoor environment and energy performance. |
BPO initiatives at educational institutions | Refers to initiatives to undertake the series of duties (through Business Process Outsourcing) at incorporated educational institutions. |
BPR | Business Process Re-engineering: Fundamentally restructuring business processes by setting goals for corporate activities and engaging in the analysis and optimization of business activities and flows to achieve those goals with the aim of improving corporate competitiveness. |
City OS | City operation system. A platform for local governments, companies and research institutes, etc., to collaborate with cities and their users for the purpose of accumulating and utilizing data. The purpose is to improve operational and management efficiency by utilizing data, and to drive city / urban development innovation. |
Cloud native | A method for building systems emcompassing combinations of various services by function, which is a characteristic of cloud platforms. |
Cloud native technologies | An approach premised on cloud usage to develop systems that maximize the benefits of the cloud by designing systems to take advantage of their characteristics. |
Cross-selling / Upselling | Sales measures to raise spending per customer. Cross-selling is the practice of getting customers who are considering making a purchase to purchase other related products together with the initial purchase. Upselling is the practice of getting a customer to purchase a higher-grade model of a product, or having them purchase multiple units of a product. |
CVC | Corporate Venture Capital: The TFHD Open Innovation Program was established by the Company in 2017 to facilitate open innovation with venture companies. Moving forward, we will aim to create new value through co-creation with external partners based on functions such as investment, business alliances and hands-on support through the program. |
Digital Governance Code | Principles published by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Trade to encourage voluntary efforts related to corporate DX. The code summarizes the action that needs to be taken by business managers, such as the formulation and publication of management visions that take into account social transformation through digital technologies. |
Digital Transformation Certification | This is a certification system operated by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry based on the Act on Facilitation of Information Processing enacted in May 2020 aimed at companies responding to the basic matters laid out in the Digital Governance Code. |
Digital twins | A system to build a twin of something in the real world in a digital space, enabling it to be monitored or subjected to simulations. |
Ecological network | An approach to designate locations that meet excellent natural conditions in a target region as biodiversity hubs (core areas), and interconnect those core areas with ecological corridors which enable wildlife to move and disperse. |
EPC | A term made up of the first letters of the words Engineering, Procurement, and Construction that refers to the undertaking of the series of processes, chiefly for the construction of power plants and factories. |
FIT | Feed in tariff. A fixed price purchase scheme for renewable energy. The scheme was launched in 2012 and obligates electric power companies to purchase electric power generated using renewable energy at a fixed, nationally specified price, for a certain period of time. |
Group ABW | A work style that combines the activity-based working (ABW) concept with a group address system, enabling employees to flexibly choose the time and place of their work based on their own activities and circumstances. |
ICP | Internal Carbon Pricing: A way for companies to individually set carbon prices, make visual renderings of its impact on business, and use ICP for organizational strategies and decision-making. A monetary value may be put on a company’s CO2 emissions and change the behavior of those who are generating the emissions. |
ICP(Introduction of carbon tax) | Internal Carbon Pricing: A method where a company sets carbon prices independently and uses it to visualize the business impact of a carbon tax, or for organizational strategy and decision making. This is one method of carbon pricing which puts a price on CO2 emissions to change the behavior of emitters. |
J-Credit | The Japanese government certifies the amount of greenhouse gas emissions (such as CO2) reduced through the introduction of energy-saving devices, use of renewable energy, appropriate forest management for absorption of CO2 by forest trees, etc., as credit. |
Kanri-Roid | Real estate management system provided by THIRD INC. Information on inspections, meter readings and cleaning reports can be entered through an app to automate process of creating reports. |
Legacy systems | Systems that have been used for a long time, which have deteriorated, become bloated, increasingly complex or black-boxed, and which are problematic because they hinder management or business strategy or are responsible for high cost structures. |
Lifestyle Creation 3.0 | Tokyu Fudosan Holdings' unique approach to the creation of ideal lifestyles for customers through the fusion of home, work and play styles. Lifestyle Creation 1.0 consisted of simply developing assets for specific applications, while Lifestyle Creation 2.0 referred to proposing solutions utilizing those assets. |
MaaS | Mobility as a Service: Refers to a next-generation mobility service that combines various technologies such as autonomous driving and AI to conventional methods of transport and services. |
Microservices | The methods and architecture to develop software by combining multiple small and independent services. As applications are divided into individual functions, this approach facilitates the rapid development and modification of services. |
Monolithic architecture | An application structure where a single process is implemented through one large function. While this structure can improve processing efficiency on a standalone basis, it lacks flexibility and extensibility. As a conventional architecture, it is used in contrast to microservices. |
Nature positive | A global goal to halt damage to biodiversity and allow nature to recover. |
NOI yield | A method of calculating investment yield for a single fiscal year. It is used for estimating the yield of a property transaction at an early stage. Net operating income (NOI) ÷ Investment |
Non-fossil fuel energy certificate with tracking information | Non-fossil fuel energy certificates provide proof of the non-fossil fuel value of electricity generated from renewable energies and other non-fossil fuel sources of energy. The certificates with tracking information include attribute information from which power plant the electricity was generated. |
Non-recourse loan | A type of financing in which debt collection can be achieved solely from the properties provided as collateral when the borrower is unable to repay the debt. It is high risk in the sense that it depends on the earning power of the real estate. The properties are carefully assessed by strict standards and it has a higher interest rate than ordinary loans. It is a common type of loan in the United States. |
O&M | Operation & Maintenance: Refers to the management of operations and maintenance inspection, chiefly for power generation systems. |
Off-balance | The state of an asset or liability not being stated in balance sheets although it is used in the operation of business. Corporate value can be increased by moving any transaction with accounting risks off of balance sheets. |
OMO | Online Merges with Offline: A state where onlines and offlines that had previously been separate areas are merged. Offers customer experiences with high rates of consistency while eliminating barriers between the two. |
On-premise | A state where the information systems such as servers and software are installed in devices inside a facility owned by the user and operated by the user company. |
P2P electricity trading | Electronic transactions conducted by directly linking parties who generate power and those who demand that energy through blockchain and other such technology. |
Pipeline | The sequence of processes from the development of products and other items in a project to sales and the generation of profit. This metaphor comes from oil and natural gas pipelines. |
RE100 | Renewable Energy 100%: An international collaborative initiative, in which companies from around the world participate with the goal of procuring 100% of the electric power consumed by their business activities from renewable energy sources. |
Regional recycling and co-existence zone | A concept that encourages communities to make full use of the local resources, such as beautiful natural scenery, for an autonomous and distributed society, and to fully demonstrate a region's vitality by complementing and supporting each other in terms of resources based on the characteristics of the region.(From the Ministry of the Environment website) |
SBT | Science Based Targets: Corporate targets set five to fifteen years ahead to reduce greenhouse gas. Set in 2015 in the 2015 Paris Agreement, it aims to maintain the global temperature rise below 2℃ above pre-industrial levels and to limit warming to 1.5℃. |
SBT For Nature | A method that places a greater focus on nature for science based targets (SBTs) that set targets with regard to climate change, and which sets targets that can be scientifically measured and acted upon regarding the interconnected systems of water, biodiversity, land and oceans in the value chain. |
SPC(Special Purpose Company) | A company established for a special purpose that differs from the purpose of ordinary corporate activities aimed at generating profits, such as the liquidation and securitization of real properties. It takes over properties owned by businesses and uses them as collateral to procure funding. |
TNFD | Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures: A taskforce on nature-related financial disclosures that was formed in 2020 by four bodies, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) and Global Canopy.The task force requests the appropriate assessment and disclosure of the risks and opportunities to natural capital caused by corporate business activities. A beta version was released in March 2022. |
VUCA | A term that combines the first letters of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity referring to an unpredictable socio-economic environment. |
Wellbeing | Wellbeing means being in good physical, mental, and social condition. The term is often used by individuals and organizations to mean "happiness," but the Group aims to achieve its realization in the field of Liveable city. |
ZEB/ZEH | (Net) Zero Energy Building / (Net) Zero Energy House: Buildings with net zero or negative annual primary energy consumption. The amount of reduction is found by summing the amount of energy saving and the amount of energy creation, in comparison with conventional buildings. |
Zero trust network | An approach to information security infrastructure where users and terminals are continually verified on the premise of zero trust, regardless of whether they are internal or external. |