Inner Communication
Believing that strong human resources are essential for achieving customer satisfaction and enhancing corporate value,
the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group aims to create a vibrant workplace where every Group employee is able to demonstrate his or abilities and work energetically.
Utilization of Group base COLABO! and events to deepen collaboration
With the relocation of the head office in August 2019, a Group employee exchange space, COLABO!, was established. In addition to being used as a space where employees can work together and hold meetings, it is a base that fosters communication through the gathering of Group employees at events and through new networks and exchange inside and outside the company. Various events are held there, making use of it as a place where employees can become aware of each other and experience new encounters.
In addition, networking meetings are held to facilitate better communication and to ensure that the Group as a whole is flexibly interconnected. This is just one of the initiatives to further internal communication aimed at fostering a sense of unity and enhancing awareness of cooperation among Group companies. By enabling employees who have few opportunities to get to know each other in their daily work to exchange business cards and broaden their networking within the Group, these events promote the creation of connections that are useful in employees’ work, enabling them to exchange information and increase the number of people they can consult with.

Knowledge Forum Knowledge Café
Knowledge Forums are designed to promote employees’ self-development. We invite professionals and high flyers from various sectors and industries to give talks based on their own experiences, providing opportunities that stimulate participants, enhancing their work motivation and exposing them to new concepts and ideas. In addition to the input from outside speakers and lecturers, time is also provided for output such as workshops and dialogue among participants to help them formulate and express their own ideas.
Knowledge Forums are held regularly for Group employees. They are popular events providing various opportunities to deepen knowledge and some sought-after sessions have attracted more than 200 participants, exceeding venue capacity.
In contrast to the Knowledge Forums that promote self-development by absorbing knowledge from outside, Knowledge Café seminars are study meetings aimed at creating opportunities for promoting mutual understanding and collaboration among Group companies. Employees of Group companies are invited as speakers and, by sharing initiatives and challenges, the seminars aim to promote business collaboration between companies and co-creation awareness. In addition to seminar-style meetings, these events can take various forms including work site visits to listen to explanations about business operations, and they are so popular that sometimes the participants are selected through lotteries.

New Group employee joint training
From fiscal 2013, the year of our transition to a holdings company system, we began providing joint training for new Group employees to have them share our vision of “becoming a group that continues to create value,” understand the Group’s wide-ranging business wings, and further enhance our strength through cooperation.
Every year, 400–500 new employees take part in this training program. Traditionally, it was conducted in a training-camp style over several sessions, but since fiscal 2022 it has been held online.
Since fiscal 2021, we have been conducting a program to have employees think through group work about what they should do to realize the Group Vision 2030 “WE ARE GREEN” and understand the importance of bringing together the diverse strengths of the Group.