The Company does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, consistency, or quality of any information provided on this website under any circumstances. Regardless of the reason, the Company shall bear no responsibility for any revisions to the information by a third party or any malfunctions resulting from the downloaded data. This applies to the stock price information, etc. that is available with at least a 20-minute delay and related services. Information displayed on the Company website is not a solicitation for the purchase or sale of company stock.
The stockholder and investor information published on the Company website is disclosed in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the “Regulations for Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by a Corporation Issuing Listed Securities, etc.” as set forth by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. This information includes business forecasts in the summary of financial results, in addition to financial and management information. The Company does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. Investors are asked to refrain from depending solely on the information provided on the Company website. Investment decisions should be made in a discretionary manner.
Neither the Company nor the information provider can take any responsibility regarding any damages that may arise from using the information on the website or any errors in content.
The current plans, strategies, and opinions posted on the website that are not historical facts are forecasts of future earnings, etc. based on information currently available to the Group. This information entails certain risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, actual business results may vary significantly from forecasts for various reasons. As such, please take note that the Company does not guarantee their accuracy.
Regarding the Company website, there will be instances when not all the information the Company has reported to the stock exchanges, etc. will be published, or the details presented may differ from those disclosed, or the content may be changed or deleted without prior notice.
Investor relation information on the Company website may fall under the purview of the “material facts” of Article 166 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
On February 1, 2004, Article 30 (the 12-hour rule) of the previous ordinance to enforce the Securities and Exchange Act of Japan was amended. Accordingly, when any corporate information is registered through TDnet, the the regulation of insider trading shall be deemed to have been lifted for official announcement. However, in the case of disclosure to two or more media sources (if TDnet is disrupted or official announcements are made through channels other than TDnet) under Article 30 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, information is not considered to be in the public domain for 12 hours after such disclosure. Any persons who come to learn of any “Material Information” from the Company's website may be in violation of insider trading rules if they conduct transactions of the Company's stock before this information enters the public domain.
The Company website contains links to websites operated by other companies. The responsibility for using these linked websites falls on the individual user. The Company offers no guarantee or endorsements regarding the use of linked websites or of the information (including data series) contained therein. The Company shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for any loss arising from the use of information, etc. on linked websites. Please use external websites in accordance with the relevant guidelines.