Message from the President
Realizing a future where anyone can be themselves and shine brightly through the creation of a variety of attractive lifestyles

The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corporation (the “Group”) resolves social issues through its business activities as a corporate group that continually creates value while striving together with its stakeholders towards a sustainable society and lasting growth. The Group runs a wide range of businesses with a focus on five key companies, namely Tokyu Land Corporation, Tokyu Community Corporation, Tokyu Livable, Inc., Tokyu Housing Lease Corporation and National Students Information Center, which operate under group.
The origins of the Group lie with the Den-en Toshi Company, which was established by Eiichi Shibusawa and his associates in 1918. During an era of housing shortages in Tokyo due to urban development and population inflow, they adopted the “Garden City” concept that originated in England and created Den-en Chofu, which combines the advantages of both nature and the city. Over more than 100 years since, we have continued to pass down their high aspirations as “Challenge-oriented DNA” and work towards resolving various social issues.
There is ample reason to believe that in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will see the kind of paradigm shift that occurred after other major events such as the 2008 financial crisis or 2011 Tohoku earthquake in Japan. Just as the trend towards digitization that had already been underway was rapidly accelerated with the arrival of COVID-19, greater society, including the way people live and work, is undergoing significant change. The Group sees these developments as major business opportunities, and in order to drive management with a long-term perspective instead of being caught up in short-term changes, May 2021, we announced GROUP VISION 2030, our long-term vision that runs up to the fiscal year 2030.
Through the long-term vision, we aim to “realize a future where anyone can be themselves and shine brightly through the creation of a variety of attractive lifestyles.” To accomplish this, we have established environmental management and digital transformation (DX) as the Group policy and positioned the utilization of intellectual asset and collaborative creation with external partners as Business Policy. These approaches will lead to improved shareholder and corporate value going forward.
To realize our long-term vision, May 2022, we formulated our Medium-term management plan 2025. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 (FY2023), based on the medium-term management plan 2025, we continued striving to push ahead with the restructuring of our business portfolio, in line with a policy of improving our earnings power and efficiency, with an eye to achieving further growth in the post-COVID-19 environment. Thanks to a beneficial business environment, operating results in each segment have remained favorable, and we achieved the financial targets for FY2025, the final year of the plan, two years ahead of schedule.
In FY2024, we are working to create the next medium-term management plan that will serve as the long-term management policy for our resilience phase. Specifically, based on changes in the business environment, we positioned “strengthening the competitiveness of international cities” and “creating added value based on regional resources” as the central focus of our efforts going forward. We will continue aiming to further expand revenue by offering enhanced value to customers utilizing the Group’s characteristically broad business wings.
In the fields of the environment and sustainability, which are strengths of the Group, we published a TNFD report in FY2023, the first such report in the domestic real estate industry. In April 2024, Tokyu Land Corporation, which is one of the Group’s core companies, became the first domestic company (excluding financial institutions) to receive RE100 certification.
June 2024

President & CEO