Human capital strategies
Human Capital Strategy
To achieve GROUP VISION 2030, our vision for what we want the Group to be by the year 2030, we have established a human capital philosophy of aiming for growth and the creation of a sustainable society with every employee having "challenge-oriented DNA" and a "mission to engage in society." Based on this philosophy and our management strategies, we have formulated and are moving forward with three human capital strategies as policies to be implemented—"Develop people who create value," "develop organizations with diversity and a sense of unity," and "enhance motivation to work and foster an employee-friendly work culture."
Develop people who create value
Develop organizations with diversity and a sense of unity
Enhance motivation to work and foster an employee-friendly work culture
Develop people who create value
- Dissemination of Group philosophy
- Development of DX talent
- Human capital development based on environmental management
Developing people who create value is a personnel development approach that incorporates the Group Philosophy and our management strategies. Our long-term vision GROUP VISION 2030 sets forth the advancement of environmental management"and DX as overall Group policies aimed at building a solid and distinctive business portfolio. We will work to develop human resources who are highly-productive and widely contribute to society by pursuing the core measures of disseminating Group philosophy, developing DX talent, and advancing human capital development based on environmental management, with the goal of maximizing the value created by each individual employee.
Dissemination of Group philosophy
“WE ARE GREEN” is a Group slogan that represents our intent to realize our ideal vision for 2030 through diverse green capabilities. Once a month, we hold regular WE ARE GREEN meetings that bring together the public relations departments of each company with the aim of communicating and spreading our message. We use a Group-wide internal survey to measure the degree of personal investment of operating officers of the Group’s companies, representing the degree to which they personally had implemented Group coordination.
In fiscal 2023, 92% of operating officers (138 respondents) said they implemented Group coordination, achieving our fiscal 2025 target of 90% ahead of schedule. Additionally, each year the president of Tokyu Livable, Inc. gives briefing sessions on management policy and business strategies for the managers that are leading its operations. Videos of these sessions are also streamed so they can be viewed by all employees.
Degree of personal investment in achieving the long-term vision of operating officers at each Group company (extent of Group coordination) 92%
Development of DX talent
TWe are building a Group-wide DX support framework by recruiting digital specialist personnel, with efforts centered on TFHD digital Inc. We have set the target of developing 6,000 DX promotion personnel by fiscal 2025, and we are working to achieve this by establishing programs for acquiring a wide range of digital skills, as well as measures such as carrying out practical training that involves creating ideas for digital businesses. As a result of these efforts, in fiscal 2023 a cumulative total of 58 business utilized digital technology. Tokyu Land Corporation is also encouraging all of its employees to acquire IT passports with the goal of having 100% of employees possessing them by fiscal 2030.

Acquisition of IT passports 84% *Tokyu Land Corporation
Cumulative number of initiatives utilizing digital technology 58
Human capital development based on environmental management

Under our Group-wide policy of environmental management, we encourage each employee to gain an understanding of environmental issues and develop human resources who can create opportunities to deliver environmental value. We hold the Sustainable Action Awards to recognize specific initiatives that address social and environmental issues through business activities. In fiscal 2023, we received 181 entries (an increase of 58 on the previous fiscal year), a large number that also enabled us to achieve our fiscal 2025 target of a cumulative total of 300 entries ahead of schedule. The fiscal 2023 result for environmental efforts through business was 34, bringing our cumulative total up to 70. We are aiming to achieve a total of over 100 efforts by fiscal 2030.
Sustainable Action Awards entries 181
Cumulative environmental efforts through business 34cases
Develop organizations with diversity and a sense of unity
- Empowerment of women
- Empowerment of diverse human capital
- Fostering of an innovative organizational climate
"Developing an organization with diversity and a sense of unity" is an approach to fostering workpace environments that support the Group's value creation. To realize this value creation, we think it will be essential to empower women, empower diverse human capital , and foster an innovative organizational climate by advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion(DE&I) initiatives.We are working toward these goals with a high standards for the Group.
Empowerment of women
We have positioned the empowerment of women as a management issue and have set the ratio of women among new graduate hires, ratio of female managers, and ratio of female candidates for management positions as the KPIs for this issue. We are actively advancing initiatives to empower women, including introducing a promotion program that has been adapted to include people taking childbirth and childcare leave, and providing networking opportunities that go beyond the boundaries of each company. In fiscal 2023, we held an event featuring Keiko Hamada, the former editor of AERA magazine, and a roundtable discussion between female leaders from our five main Group companies. These were shared through the Group’s portal site with the aim of developing our corporate culture. Going forward, we will work to empower women to an even greater extent, including supporting career building and workstyle reforms, while also closing the wage gap between men and women.

A roundtable discussion between female leaders from our five main Group companies

A Group-wide networking event (total of 118 participants)
Current status (actual results in FY2022 or as of April 2023) |
Current status (actual results in FY2023 or as of April 2024) |
Target for FY2030 | |
Ratio of women among new graduate hires | 46% | 39% | 50% |
Ratio of female managers | 8% | 9% | At least 20% |
Ratio of female candidates for management positions | 18% | 18% | At least 20% |
Combined total of the five main business companies (Tokyu Land Corporation, Tokyu Community Corp., Tokyu Livable Inc., Tokyu Housing Lease Corporation, and National Students Information Center, Co., Ltd.)
Management positions refer to section managers and above, while management candidates are one level below section managers (equivalent to section chiefs).
Empowerment of diverse human capital
We are promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) in order to foster an organizational climate in which diverse human resources can play an active role. We have formulated the DE&I Vision as an executive-level commitment, under which we provide an e-learning course for employees. We have also set the percentage of employees who take this course as a KPI with the target of achieving 100% by fiscal 2030. Tokyu Livable Staff Corporation is getting recognition for its efforts to empower employees with disabilities, and in February 2022, it received certification under the Monisu Certification System, an initiative by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to encourage stable employment for people with disabilities.
Deepening understanding of DE&I (percentage of employees who took an e-learning course) 96%
*Combined total of the five main business companies
Fostering of an innovative organizational climate
As of fiscal 2023, STEP*, the Group’s co-creation based internal venture scheme, has received a total of 302 proposals, four of which are to be commercialized. In January 2024, we established LeaPro Co., Ltd., which is engaged in planning a business to support the career building and development of engineers. Also, movement has started to change the Group’s approach to human resource initiatives based on a proposal received in fiscal 2021 concerning support for the return to work of people suffering from mental ill health. This shows the STEP scheme is not limited to just starting new companies. We will engage every aspect of the Group, without exception, to foster an innovative organizational culture.
An acronym with S standing for Start, Sustainable, and Shibuya, T standing for TFHD (Tokyu Fudosan Holdings), and the other letters standing for Entrepreneur Program
Cumulative STEP proposals received 302proposals received
Commercialised proposals 4 (As of March 2024)
Enhance motivation to work and foster an employee-friendly work culture
- Promotion of health and productivity management
- Support for diverse work styles
- Improvement of employee engagement
Enhancing motivation to work and fostering an employee-friendly work culture is an approach to building workplace environments that support the efforts of individual employees. We recognize that ensuring the safety and health of employees is an important part of sustainable corporate development so we are working to improve our workplace environments.
Promotion of health and productivity management

We have positioned maintaining and improving the health and happiness of employees as an important management issue, and we are advancing various initiatives that will have a positive effect on physical and mental health. We have set the targets of having 100% of employees undergo physical examinations and stress checks, and 100% of eligible male employees take childcare leave, and to achieve these, we are holding seminars among other awareness raising activities. In fiscal 2021, the ratio of childcare leave taken by male employees at Tokyu Community Corp. was 100%. We are working to encourage leave taking and to foster a culture of mutual support by establishing systems, including making the first five days of childcare leave into paid leave and providing spousal childbirth leave that can be taken in half-day units, and tethrough repeated notification using manuals.
Ratio of childcare leave taken by male employees 89%
*Combined total of the five main business companies
Support for diverse work styles
We are putting a particular focus on support for diverse work styles, and in order to enhance efficiency and productivity and to ensure work life balances can be maintained, the five main business companies (Tokyu Land Corporation,Tokyu Livable, Tokyu Community, Tokyu Housing Lease, and National Students Information Center) have all introduced remote working and flextime systems (or in some cases, staggered working hours). In this way, they are leveraging IT to realize work styles that are not constrained by time and location, Many employees have taken advantages of these systems, which have improved efficiency, productivity and raised employee satisfaction. In addition, we have set a KPI of 100% (for the five main business companies) for the compliance rate of remote working and flextime systems (or in some cases, staggered working hours) arrangements, and we are committed to continuing to update our support for flexible work arrangements.
Improvement of employee engagement

Since the second half of fiscal 2022, Tokyu Land Corporation has maintained an employee engagement score equivalent to an AA rating. Although it is realizing workplaces where each individual can freely demonstrate their individuality and abilities, it also recognizes that the generalization and standardization of knowledge is an issue. It is working to improve the issues identified by each score with the aim of enhancing work satisfaction and the inclusivity of its workplaces.
Carrying out employee engagement surveys and implementing improvements AA engagement rating
*Tokyu Land Corporation