We will incorporate the environment and digital transformation into our business to shape future lifestyles.
Be it renewable energy initiatives, digitally driven emotional experiences, or community development loved by locals, everything we do is inspired by a desire to encourage the wellbeing of every individual.
We will continue to combine our Group's diverse green capabilities to create value for the future.
In May 2021, Tokyu Fudosan Holdings announced its GROUP VISION 2030 long-term vision and then, in May 2022, the Group announced our Medium-term management plan 2025, Environmental Management Report, and DX Report. The value we are seeking to create involves creating highly attractive, diverse lifestyles that can help build a future in which everyone can be themselves and shine vigorously. Our ultimate aim is to leverage Group strengths to realize our ideal vision and achieve sustainable growth.

Create Value for the Future
The slogan “WE ARE GREEN” expresses our attitude in achieving our vision for 2030, by applying the various powers of “green.” We have redefined our Group coloring as “Fusion Green”: using Tokyu Fudosan Holdings’ corporate color green as the base color, and expressing the diversity of the Group’s wide range of business activities and human capital using a color gradation.
Green symbolizes the environment and sustainability, as well as our goal of creating a future where everyone can be themselves and shine vigorously; in the same way as young leaves sprout and grow bigger, taking advantage of their own individuality. By fusing the diverse range of “green” powers offered by the Group, we will link this to the generation of new value. These are the sentiments instilled in “WE ARE GREEN.”
for a future where everyone can be themselves and shine vigorously
Create a variety of lifestyles
We will help people to enjoy lives that are both physically and mentally vibrant by promoting the Lifestyle Creation 3.0, a combination of home, work and play styles.
SDG Contributions

Liveable City
Create communities and lifestyles that encourage well-being
We will realize a society where everyone can feel happy by building secure, safe and comfortable life infrastructure and creating communities where people help each other.
SDG Contributions

Create a sustainable environment
As an environmentally advanced company, we will create a carbon-free and recycle-oriented society by addressing global issues such as climate change.
SDG Contributions

Create value in the digital era
We will transform our business models by utilizing digital technologies to create new experience value for customers.
SDG Contributions

Human Capital
Create an organizational climate under which diverse human capital is enlivened
We will continue to create innovation through an organizational climate that respects human rights and under which diverse human capital can exercise their abilities.
SDG Contributions

Create governance to accelerate growth
As a group trusted by all stakeholders, we will aim to enhance our corporate value sustainably by increasing management transparency and fairness.
SDG Contributions